The Season 1, Episode 3 book of the month is Plot & Structure, by James Scott Bell.
To prepare for our next podcast on Plotting vs. Pantsing, we recommend reading Plot & Structure to (re)familiarize yourself with plotting a story. This book is a fantastic resource to ensure you are up-to-date on plotting terms and concepts.
The book of the month for Season 1, Episode 2 is I Am Legend, by Richard Matheson.
Our next episode is on Tropes: The Good, The Bad, The Ugly. We all know various storytelling tropes. However, if you want to read a book with excellent tropes and exciting twists, read I Am Legend. This book will help prepare you for our next discussion. Tip: The book has some big differences from the movie. The first book of the month is The Hero With A Thousand Faces, by Joseph Campbell.
The Hero with a Thousand Faces is a psychology book that discusses the similarities of story structures of stories told the world over throughout the ages. This book gave rise to the Monomyth, which then inspired Christopher Vogler to create The Hero's Journey story structure which is the topic of our next podcast. We recommend reading this book to have some background on our next topic. Happy reading! |
Scribe's Journey